Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So from preparing my presentation I have been thinking about the possible challenges that I might encounter while I'm in Mexico. The challenge that I wrote down in class the other day that I'm scared of the most- or that would be the worst to encounter was that I would somehow offend someone to the point where I lost their trust and couldn't do my project and that this would cause problems for future field study students. Yeah- I'm just going to try really hard to not do that. I don't foresee any big problems that I could cause. But I guess my plan for fixing that would be that I would try and talk to someone within the community about how to repair what I may have ruined. I don't have bad intentions so I don't imagine I could do anything too harmful but I guess we'll see. I've been dilligently studying those mexican obscenities so that I know what words to steer away from :)
I was also thinking about the difficulties that I'll have trying to get the kids to do planks and things. I think that they will think it's really weird and stupid to try and hold a plank position for so long. So that is another challenge that I am worried about- getting the kids to cooperate. I have a few ideas in mind. Someone today suggested making it a challenge for them or some sort of a competition. I'm not sure if that is ethical or how to make it ethical.Maybe I could give a prize to the student that performs the best on each exercise. We'll see though. I'm not sure it that would even work very well. I just want them perform their best on the tests and not be lazy or unmotivated about them.
I was also thinking about entering the community and the gate keepers that I will need to get through. I think it will take some time to figure out how to present my project to them. Especially to the parents of the children that I will ask to participate. So I will have to figure out how to talk to people about it.

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